Hi Tammy. Karen here from lovely New Zealand. I’ve been following you for quite some time and love your work. I so relate to your Good Tammy/Bad Tammy story. I’m an empathetic, soft hearted person who is prone to people pleasing (I’m learning to change that!) and what happens is suddenly I get resentful especially when my needs are constantly not being met or someone pushes me too far. And then I either become passive aggressive with my comments or very direct and tell ‘em exactly what I think. Then I feel bad for doing that. 🙄. I actually think the ‘direct’ Karen could come out a little more as the ‘nice’ Karen needs to set boundaries then make sure others don’t step on them.

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Thanks for sharing your experience with this, Karen. I'm pretty confident we all have one (or a thousand)! Staying familiar with my Bad Tammy side gives me several gifts: When I'm seeing someone else act badly, I know that there but for grace go I. And, of course, it allows me not to get too arrogant! Any gifts for you?

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